About Me

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It’s about life. It’s about hair. It’s about beauty. It’s about creativity. It’s about music. It’s about singing. It’s about confidence. It’s about sharing. It’s about learning. It’s about helping. It's about growing. It's about love. It's about fashion. It's about prayer. But most of all, It’s about JESUS!!!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

The case of the absent blogger

Well there's not too much mystery in this case. I've just been gone for way too long!! But I was inspired by my friend Brianna who has a blog about her transportation adventures. It's hilarious and so well written! I will find the link so you can check it out:


I want to write a lot more even if no one is reading. So thank you to everyone who kept following me after moths and months of no content. I love you guys!

But my goal is to post at least once a week. I don't want to promise daily posts because honestly my life isn't interesting enough. I go to work and I love the Lord. That's about it. Of course I have fun when I can with my friends and my boyfriend and my family. But I don't want the post to be about insurance woes because that's what I deal with all day (I work at GEICO).

So look for some general blogs, some hair updates, some fashion hauls, some poetry, my random thoughts and obsessions, and everything that I love. And hold me to it!!

Til next time lovelies,