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It’s about life. It’s about hair. It’s about beauty. It’s about creativity. It’s about music. It’s about singing. It’s about confidence. It’s about sharing. It’s about learning. It’s about helping. It's about growing. It's about love. It's about fashion. It's about prayer. But most of all, It’s about JESUS!!!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Go shorty, it's your birthday!!!!

I have exciting news (albeit late) - I TURNED 23 THIS WEEKEND!!!! Woot woot! I had a lot of fun so I'll try to give you a short synopsis of the festivities : )

So on Friday I was at church for a meeting and we also had elections. But after the elections we had some great conversations. Everyone in the convo was single and in love with the Lord so as you can imagine we talked about serving the Lord, living holy, and wanting a man lol but I really was inspired while we were talking so I'll share a few of the things we discussed because they were deep and thought provoking

  1. Jesus should be my heart. What that means is if someone disrespects Him, that is the worst thing someone could do to you. If you aren’t offended by people talking about your Jesus, there’s something wrong and you need to figure out where your love lies.
  2. I need to study the Bible for other people. Sometimes I won’t read the Word because I feel like I get enough food at church but reading the Word isn’t a selfish thing. I need to begin reading the Bible so that I can share the gospel with other people.
  3. It’s not about YOU at all, your time doesn’t matter, your opinion, your past, your hurt, your obligations. It’s all about Jesus! You're eithing living for Him or against Him.
  4. Making the choice not to be in a bad relationship is a gift. This was said for me because I've never been in a relationship or had a boyfriend and I was feeling discouraged about it but my girl pointed out that most people that have relationships are not happy and it's better to be single than to be in a bad relationship which I totally agree with. However, it's also difficult to be at peace with being single if that's all you've ever been. There's nothing to compare it to so I still want a beautiful, chocolate man on my arm. But I digress ....
  5. Don’t be afraid to go places alone because you can think of that as going on a date with the Lord. You can get your one-on-one time in with Him if you don’t have other people to cater to. I just thought that was so cute!
Anyhoo, that was Friday night talk. Then on Saturday I sang at the San Diego Praise Fest with the other youth at my church. It was sooooo flippin hot! I really didn't expect it to be so blazing. But I was there from maybe 2-7pm and I had fun. I was also exhaused afterwards!

Yet and still, I went to the movies when it was over lol. I went to see The Town with the homies and let me tell you I recommend that movie 100%!!! Even though the men in Takers were delicious, The Town assassinates Takers so definitely go see it! Bomb.com

Then on Sunday I was at church like ALL DAY. Literally. I think I was there from 9am-6pm. We had 2 services and I had to sing at both of them. I was majorly blessed though! So believe me, I'm not complaining. It was a Holy Ghost party and I loved it <3

Then after church I went home and chiled and ate ice cream cake from Baskin Robbins. Yum! Then some of my favorite people went with me to Applebees to celebrate and do a little bit of parking lot pimpin so it was good times and I enjoyed it thoroughly *2 thumbs up*

Anyone else have a different idea of fun this weekend? ; )

1 comment:

  1. Happy Belated girl!! :) I'm glad to hear your weekend was fun-filled !
