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It’s about life. It’s about hair. It’s about beauty. It’s about creativity. It’s about music. It’s about singing. It’s about confidence. It’s about sharing. It’s about learning. It’s about helping. It's about growing. It's about love. It's about fashion. It's about prayer. But most of all, It’s about JESUS!!!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Natural Hair Ignorance

I was watching youtube and I came across this video:

Is conditioner any less natural than lotion or toothpaste? I feel that it is extremely ignorant to say that you’re only natural if you let your hair grow out of your scalp and do nothing to it – including comb, brush, condition, style, or set it. That is a hunk of bologna if you ask me! Ash is natural but that doesn’t mean I walk around like Mr. Brown!! Plaque is natural but that doesn’t mean I don’t floss and brush my teeth everyday!! Good grief some people are completely unreasonable. Physically manipulating your hair via twists, braids, bantu knots, banding, blow drying, etc. does NOT mean that you are no longer natural. It means that you have embraced the fact that you have options of how to wear your hair. Afros are fierce and gorgeous when well taken care of but should we be limited to only wearing a fro with no products in it just because someone else said that we’re only natural if we follow these specific guidelines? Seriously who are you kidding?! This baffles me that there is even debate about this issue. Some people will even say that you’re not natural if you color your hair but how does changing the color of something on the outside change the created purpose for said object? You may not like your eggs dyed green but they’ll still taste the same whether they’re green or purple or tie-dyed, Sam I Am. I just had to share that because I could never deal with my hair without conditioning and for someone to say that moisturizing my curls make me “not natural” just irks me. That is all.


  1. Brit!! Heyy!! I didn't know you were blogging! I'm so happy i found your site :) I hope things are well with you. Your hair looks great

  2. Wow, this video is ridiculous lol. the fact that the girl with the weave said she was natural twice had me looking at her sideways. Sure we have different definitions of natural, but some people just take it over the top.

  3. OMG Pilar I was looking at the site and I'm like "That looks like her but I don't know ..." lol your hair looks amazing too! Just gorgeous P :D
    Yay I'm so excited!! So wait, are you in Germany right now??

  4. yes I am out here until April with Larry. He's playing ball and I'm "hanging out" lol. I decided why not do the BC. It's soooo tough though bc I don't have access to any products or I have to order online which is a pain. I'm so glad I found your blog though. This is too much fun!

  5. Wow. I woulda wanted to slap the weave wearing lady. No conditioner? What??!?!?! Smh. Thanks for posting!

  6. yes some people do take the "natural" thing to a whoooole new level. esp when it comes to coloring. im like do u "naturally" walk out the house wit no deoderant? no u put "chemicals" under u arms to make sure u dont stank!

  7. i was just humiliated. i dislike when people speak such ignorance. granted, she is intitled her oppinion; buhh' there is [or at least should be] a point to where she stopped to research the facts behind "natural hair". oppinions are great, however when people are given such a public platform to help inform those ignorat to a topic - one would think speakers would use that power to empower && CORRECTLY inform.. i shake my head at this video.

  8. My oh my!!! I am staying away from her mother's hair salon!!!
